Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are bacteria plants? Fungi?

My book says they are not. my brother's book says they are Thallophyta i.e plants???????

Are bacteria plants? Fungi?
Bacteria are procaryotes. Their cell structure is different from those of plants and animals (Eucaryotes) they are in their own category altogether. Years and years ago they were categorized as plants. Some of them have clorophyll. How old is your brother's science book?
Reply:bacteria are Bacteria.
Reply:I don't think they are plants.
Reply:not plants.. i m sure
Reply:Bacteria are single celled organisms whereas plants , animals are multicellular organisms... so bacteria are different organisms than fungi or plants or animals....hope that answers ur question..hehe..njoy
Reply:"Kaplah" who answered above is correct!, bacterias are not plants, now!
Reply:no they are not...ur teacher probably means that some bacteria can produce their own food with chlorophyll but there are other properties that make it not a plant
Reply:yes some are it depends what plant it is
Reply:Bactria have no definite nucleus, most have no chlorophyll,no organelles, only one chromosome .they reproduce asexually.

Fungi have no chlorophyll at all i.e. they are heterotrophic .They secret extracellular enzymes for digestion, they have true nucleus they reproduce mostly by spores(asexual).

Plants have nucleus with more chromosomes,have organelles %26amp;chlorophyll for photosynthesis.they reproduce sexually to form seeds.

Reply:There have been many classifcation systems taught in schools over the years. The most recent of which - 5 kingdoms - is now defunct, and has not been used by scientists for years. The system now used has three domains - Archea, Eukarya and Prokaryae. Plants and fungi belong to the Eukaryae domain, defined by the nucleus and the 16s Ribosomal subunit. Bacteria belong to either the Archeae or the Prokaryae. All archea are bacteria (not capital B), but not all bacteria are archae.

The book of which you speak is very out of date. It probably dates back to a time when organisms were classified by metabolism .

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