Friday, July 23, 2010

Most bacteria cause diseases???

True or False

Most bacteria cause diseases???
False, if you're talking about humans, anyway.

Most bacteria can't live in the human body because the concentrations of certain solutes would kill them: oxygen, sodium, potassium, etc. Also, the microflora that already exist in our bodies (GI tract, etc) would outcompete them.

Most bacteria are actually good. Lactobacillus, for example - I bet you know them from your yogurt tubs. Bacteria are also used to break down organic wastes in sewer systems, etc, and have been used to break down oil spills (Exxon Valdez and more).

Bacteria are our friends! It's just that some are not always welcome.
Reply:false. Most bacteria are good. bacteria is around us everywhere. A bacteria can cause disease only if it is virulent. For example, E. coli in our intestine is a symbiont bacteria and helps our digestion. The normal flora on our body protects us from harmful microorganisms.

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