Friday, July 23, 2010

When bacteria die, do they go to heaven?

of course they do , stop being silly

When bacteria die, do they go to heaven?
bacteria doesn't have a soul. in other words only humans go to heaven or hell.
Reply:We should genetically mutate them to grow mouths and a brain and a voice box so we will know....
Reply:of course not, they got no soul. the only animal with soul is the human.
Reply:only the good bacteia,the bad goes to hell
Reply:germs dont have soul
Reply:they die and mutate on their own planet Mars
Reply:Doubt it. But maybe this is a special test tube or something.
Reply:assuming God was'd have to ask God that. no human speaks for God.
Reply:Germs go to Germany.

Didn't you know that?
Reply:by the way in the heaven, there is no antibiotic (lol)

i think no way. no souls, no heaven!!!!
Reply:There's lots of bacteria living on and in us so maybe they come along in the trip. :P
Reply:All bacteria go to heaven... as they don't have free will, it is impossible for them to sin.
Reply:Certainly, they go to micro-heaven. If they were really good they get 72 virgin bacterias and have lots of micro-orgasms.
Reply:Everything that exists "physically" existed "spiritually". So, probably! But maybe since they're so bad they'll hopefully suffer a spiritual death also!!!

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