Monday, August 23, 2010

How might bacteria in the body cause symptoms of fever?

Please try to answer this question or provide some websites that have answers to it.


How might bacteria in the body cause symptoms of fever?
The bacteria themselves do not cause the fever. The elevated body temperature is a response to the presence of bacteria, it is caused by the secretion of signalling molecules known as cytokines and pyrokines by the immune system.

As other answers mentioned, this is a defensive mechanism and can aid the immune cells (macrophages/monocytes and PMNs) in eradticating the infection. However, it is wrong to say that all bacteria are hindered by an increased temperature, many can grow just fine at slightly elevated temperatures. However, it aids the immune cells by speeding up their activities, regardless of the impact on bacteria.
Reply:It secretes some kind of toxin.
Reply:FEVER is a defense mechanism against infection..your body will simple react that there is a bacteria trying to attact your system...example a wound on your feet..if you will not cure it right away you will feel lethargic...soon you will feel some chills...from then on your body will try to counteract with the bacteria to prevent more complication...
Reply:bacteria and and viruses live and multiply well in normal body temp. the higher your body raises its temp the slower they multiply and function and somtimes the temp can kill the bacteria

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