Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is bacteria?

Bacteria are very small living organisms made of only one cell . They are present just about everywhere : the air, the soil, and the skin, for example. Many of them are microbes that cause diseases (rhinitis, listeriosis, and others), but others are very helpful to humans. For example, bacteria in the intestine help digestion and we often use bacteria to make food products (yoghurt, sauerkraut, and others).

What is bacteria?
A creature made up of only one cell.
Reply:It is a very small germ
Reply:Micro organisms.
Reply:Go to google and type in "what is bacteria" or use the link below. More info than you'll ever want to know.

Reply:They are a single celled organism (prokaryote) meaning they have no nucleus. Animal cells (eukaryote) have a nucleus that contains genetic information, bacteria do not.
Reply:different baterical infections.?

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