Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the difference between "good bacteria" and "bad bacteria"?

i heard it on the actimel advert and genuinely want to know the difference [obviously one is good and one is bad] but why is it so important etc.

What is the difference between "good bacteria" and "bad bacteria"?
Bacteria are everywhere. Although a lot of them helps you like digesting food, a whole lot others can make you sick.
Reply:de bad one kee you son
Reply:da one is good and da other is bad
Reply:there are no good or bad... some are just beneficial and other kill you.
Reply:"good bacteria' are considered normal flora- stuff our body's have all the time. They halp get rid of or eat (phagocytosis) bad bacteria, so the bad stuff doesn't overrun, say for examply your colon.
Reply:Good bacteria aids indigestion. Bad is self-explanatory. I have been taking actimel for three weeks and i must say I feel ok with it. It does indeed assist in getting rid of bloating. (p.s one word of caution and I asked other users.. it makes you pass wind (polite description)a bit more than normal yogurts.
Reply:Good bacterias are useful and important for our body.They make enzymes that are necessary for our body.Our body can`t make them.

Bad bacterias cause illnesses.
Reply:The good bacteria is good for your stomach to keep it running well.

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