Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How much bacteria/germs would you guess is on your toothbrush right now?

More then I want to know.

How much bacteria/germs would you guess is on your toothbrush right now?
a sh*t load!!
Reply:too many..
Reply:I have a brand new one.
Reply:3543864351566.6846 germs
Reply:I dont wanna know...
Reply:none, I just bought it so it'll remain in the packaging till morning.
Reply:I don't even want to think about it!
Reply:a bunch load.
Reply:actually not alot today as its new brush - old one wouldn't want to think about it
Reply:Tons!!!! Throw it out before it sprouts legs and starts walking off.

Reply:millions upon millions
Reply:hundreds of thousands??
Reply:the same that are on my teeth
Reply:A FLIPPING TON! (no joke)

that's why you should soak it in salt water some nights, it help kill the germs, and doesn't taste bad after...
Reply:probably more than 100%. yes, it's possible.
Reply:You say "bacteria" like thats a bad thing. Lots of bacteria is beneficial to people and if not beneficial, certainly not harmful in all cases. A tooth brush is totally covered with Bacteria but that doesn't make it "toxic".

Every time you shake hands with someone you are exchanging billions of cells of bacteria but it doesn't always harm anyone...most of the time shaking hands is completely benign.

Lets be clean and cautious but not paranoid and obsessive. Rinse your brush out after using it and hang it in a clean place to dry. Use mouthwash. Then go about your normal life.
Reply:a million?
Reply:not many, i just threw the old one away this am and broke out a new one!
Reply:Too many.

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