Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the difference between Bacteria and Virus which causes diseases of human beings?

Both infect the human bodies, but both have different genetic structures and can harm you in different ways.

bacteria are single celled organisms with a structure similar to that of a human cell. They have a nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm, like a human cell. They reproduce in the human body by asexual reproduction, which means that there is only or 'parent' and the cell splits to create another perfect copy, or clone, of the cell it split from. Bacteria can be slowed or denatured (killed) by anti biotics, except for MRSA bacteria which has formed a resistance to our antibiotics.

Viruses arent really living things as they only posses one of the 7 characteristics needed for life, this characteristic is reproduction. Also, a virus isnt even really a cell. It is a single strand of genetic material covered by a protein coat. Once inside the body it lands floats around until a cell comes by then it lands on it and often injects a poison into the cell. This poison changes the cells DNA, often to create another virus. . Once the copied virus has grown they break out of the weakened cell and float around like the parent virus. Viruses are unnafected by anti biotics because they dont eat like a living organism does, or respire, so there is no way of getting the antibiotic into the virus. So viruses are much harder to treat, as they must be left to be fought off by the body. However because they are resistant some viruses cannot be fought off by the body, an example is HIV and AIDS. this is why there is no cure for them and why it is likely there wont be one in the near future

What is the difference between Bacteria and Virus which causes diseases of human beings?
Bacteria are single celled organisms, a virus is a packet of genetic information that invades a cell and changes the cells DNA, produces an unwanted side effect. Virus cells are hard to find and fight because they live inside your own cells, therefore your body doesn't realise they are there, bacteria your body can easily identify as an invader as it has a differant protein coat that your normal cells. Bacteria have a sticky layer round teh outside of them to protect them from attack and help them clump together :) fun stuff
Reply:Can't say it better than Blondie - what she said!
Reply:Bacteria - very small single celled life forms that can exist independently or as a parasite being dependent on other life forms for its continued existence.

Virus - a single celled life form smaller than a bacteria which cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. They invade and attack cells.

Bacteria can be seen under a microscope whilst virusus due to their extremely small small can be seen only under an electron ,miscroscope
Reply:good answer from blondie.......

only thing to add, is that virus's are tens of thousands of times smaller than bacteria.

bacteria - can be seen through a microscope

virus - would need a scanning electron microscope to see it

paper bush

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